Third, institutional investors, wanting to cash in on rising rental rates, have started gobbling up foreclosed homes at fire sale prices and then renting the homes back to the foreclosed owners rather than flipping them for a quick profit. 第三,希望靠日益上涨的租金获利的机构投资者开始大举买入止赎法拍屋,以大额折扣买入这些住宅后返租给它们的原主人,而不是转卖出手谋求迅速获利。
Some banks are offering homeowners who are behind on mortgage payments cash in exchange for selling the home in a short sale. 有些银行为贷款逾期的业主派发现金,让他们把房屋以低于贷款余额的价格卖掉。
Would he accept XOS in cash for a quick sale? 那是什么意思啊?如果现金结账,迅速成交,他能接受XOS吗?
It demanded of the Saudis, for instance, to whom it sold CSS2 missiles, payment in cash, ensuring both the cementing of a key strategic relationship and total deniability of the sale. 例如,中国就要求沙特购买其CS22导弹是必须支付现金,保证时候可以否认交易存在。
Cash Inflows from Sale of Investment 投资处置的现金流入
Cash crop is a crop, such as tobacco, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed. 经济作物为直接出售而非作为家畜饲料而种植的庄稼,如烟草。
GL receipt is a receipt of cash which is not as a result of a sale to a customer. 总账收据是指一种现金收据,它不是因为销售产品给顾客而取得的。
As well as raising cash, such a sale would have had the side-effect of setting a true market price for these hard-to-value instruments. 这种抛售,以及不断增加的兑现将对正确定价这些本就难以估值的证券带来不小的影响。
He has always been a master at accumulating cash ― from the airlines he acquires, investments and the sale of airlines. 从收购航空公司、投资以及出售航空公司中,他一向都显出累积现款的长才。
A liquidation settles this debate, distributing to owners of pieces of paper the actual cash proceeds resulting from the sale of corporate assets to the highest bidder. 一场清算解决了这个争论,并由于将企业资产卖给了市场出价最高者而给持有这张纸的人带来实实在在的现金收益。
Many developers looking to improve their own cash flow will offer property for sale off plan. 许多商寻找提高自身的现金流量将提供客财产出售计划。
The liabilities will not be transferred to North Corporation, but will be paid by the partnership out of existing cash plus the proceeds of the sale, prior to any distribution of cash to the partners. 同时,负债不转给北方公司,而由合伙企业从库存现金和出售企业的收入中支付,剩余现金再分配给合伙人。
Selling a straight minority stake might not raise enough cash, and it might reduce the valuation on the sale because the buyer wouldn't be getting control. 仅出售少数股权恐怕难以筹到足够的现金,而且因为买家得不到控制权,还会降低交易的价值。
Cesar will be a free agent in the summer, so many expect the Biancocelesti to cash in by completing a January sale to inter. 塞萨尔在夏天将是自由身,因此许多人希望在一月份将球员出售给国米以换取一些现金。
This finding reflects the actions of distressed companies that need the cash injection of a sale. 这一发现反映出陷入困境的公司因亟需现金注入而采取出售业务的行动。
Having received cash from an offshore bond sale in the form of an equity injection, the onshore company may only send money back to the offshore entity in the form of after-tax dividends. 境外发债所得资金以参股形式注入内地公司之后,内地公司只能以税后股息的形式将资金返还离岸实体。
Under this scheme, towards the end of each quarter Lehman temporarily swapped some of its assets for cash with another bank or investor, but booked this as if it were a permanent sale of the assets. 在这一阴谋下,每个季度末,雷曼会暂时将它的一些资产与一些银行或投资人交换成现金,但是记录上却显示这是永久性地出售。
Amounts from cash sales should be rung up on a cash register at the time of each sale. 在每一次交易的时候,都应该把销售额的具体数量把打进收银机之中。
Cash is commonly received from cash sales, collections on accounts receivable, and the sale of other assets. 现金通常从现金销售、应收帐款的回收和其它资产出售中获得。
Other possibilities include a cash sale of Chrysler to private equity or industry investors, and a flotation of the money-losing unit. 其它可能的方案包括将克莱斯勒出售给私人股本或产业投资者,以及将这块亏损的业务上市。
The regulating analysis of cash cost and cash sale is the way called "step by step", but the meteoric way is rater accurate and fast. 现付成本与现销收入常规的分析调整是采取逐步式的方法,一步到位的方法更准确、快速。
Risk of low cash flow and high bad debt resulted from purchase and sale of related parties, To measure financial risk of related party transaction, we introduce the modern enterprise financial value theory. 关联方购销带来的低现金流和高坏账风险。
On the Fixed Clothing Price in Counter-season Sale On the Definition of Cash Cost and Cash Sale Income 论反季节销售中的服装定价现付成本与现销收入一步到位的确定
In the new product launch stage, the methods such as the index evaluation, fuzzy comprehensive analysis, cash flow, finance analysis can be adopted in new product market opportunity select, market sale test evaluation and finance analysis. 在新产品商业开发阶段,运用指标评价法、模糊综合评价法、现金流量表和财务分析表对新产品市场机会、试销结果、财务分析进行综合评价,以达到新产品成功上市的目的。
On the Definition of Cash Cost and Cash Sale Income 现付成本与现销收入一步到位的确定
Cash cost and cash sale income are either the two important cash flow target, or the important evidence of the some financial ratio calculations. 现付成本与现销收入是两个重要的现金流量指标,同时又是一些重要财务比率计算的依据。
The cash sale and the credit sale are two kinds of basic ways which regularly taken by enterprises while selling its products. 现销和赊销是企业在销售产品时经常采取的两种基本方式。
The classification in IFRS 9 is mainly based on testing and contract business model based on cash flow characteristics of the test, the change of financial assets available for sale introduced the FV-OCI mode, which does not allow disposal profit or loss. 而IFRS9对金融资产的分类依据主要是依据业务模式测试和合同现金流量特征测试,把可供出售金融资产期间价值的变动计入其他综合收益,并引入FV-OCI模式,处置时不允许转入损益。
Then the account sale becomes preferred option of selling strategy to enterprises. But if account sale is pushed much earlier, it would impact cash sale and decrease the total selling profit. 而此时赊销往往成为企业首选的销售策略,但是如果赊销活动推出过早,必然会对现销活动产生冲击,从而导致企业的总体销售收益下降。